microaggressions made public , next up hair flicking,timed hair flicking ,funny looks,mean looks and other minor annoyances that add up to a big pain in the ass and may contribute to migraines – stay tuned….



A white proverb (2013) is an Internet meme on Tumblr where you quote something White Americans say to people of colour all the time and then call it a proverb. For example:

“I’m not racist! In fact, calling me racist is racist!”

— Ancient White Proverb

It is a joke: white people say these things so much and with such straight faces that it is almost like they were repeating ancient, wise sayings they learned somewhere. But instead of being wise they are being clueless!

White proverbs centre whiteness by:

  • denying white privilege (“The police are here to protect you.”) and by
  • marginalizing people of colour as strange creatures (“Oh, your hair is just so interesting! Can I touch it?”).

What sounds “innocent” to a white privilege mindset is in fact racist microagression – the small little racist acts people of colour put up with every day because…

View original post 435 more words

~ by Mbeti on January 25, 2013.

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  1. […] white proverb(telcomcorp.wordpress.com) […]

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